6,014 research outputs found

    A Systems Theory Approach to the Synthesis of Minimum Noise Phase-Insensitive Quantum Amplifiers

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    We present a systems theory approach to the proof of a result bounding the required level of added quantum noise in a phase-insensitive quantum amplifier. We also present a synthesis procedure for constructing a quantum optical phase-insensitive quantum amplifier which adds the minimum level of quantum noise and achieves a required gain and bandwidth. This synthesis procedure is based on a singularly perturbed quantum system and leads to an amplifier involving two squeezers and two beamsplitters.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the 2018 European Control Conferenc

    Synthesis of linear quantum stochastic systems via quantum feedback networks

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    Recent theoretical and experimental investigations of coherent feedback control, the feedback control of a quantum system with another quantum system, has raised the important problem of how to synthesize a class of quantum systems, called the class of linear quantum stochastic systems, from basic quantum optical components and devices in a systematic way. The synthesis theory sought in this case can be naturally viewed as a quantum analogue of linear electrical network synthesis theory and as such has potential for applications beyond the realization of coherent feedback controllers. In earlier work, Nurdin, James and Doherty have established that an arbitrary linear quantum stochastic system can be realized as a cascade connection of simpler one degree of freedom quantum harmonic oscillators, together with a direct interaction Hamiltonian which is bilinear in the canonical operators of the oscillators. However, from an experimental perspective and based on current methods and technologies, direct interaction Hamiltonians are challenging to implement for systems with more than just a few degrees of freedom. In order to facilitate more tractable physical realizations of these systems, this paper develops a new synthesis algorithm for linear quantum stochastic systems that relies solely on field-mediated interactions, including in implementation of the direct interaction Hamiltonian. Explicit synthesis examples are provided to illustrate the realization of two degrees of freedom linear quantum stochastic systems using the new algorithm.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figure

    Quantum filtering for multiple input multiple output systems driven by arbitrary zero-mean jointly Gaussian input fields

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    In this paper, we treat the quantum filtering problem for multiple input multiple output (MIMO) Markovian open quantum systems coupled to multiple boson fields in an arbitrary zero-mean jointly Gaussian state, using the reference probability approach formulated by Bouten and van Handel as a quantum version of a well-known method of the same name from classical nonlinear filtering theory, and exploiting the generalized Araki-Woods representation of Gough. This includes Gaussian field states such as vacuum, squeezed vacuum, thermal, and squeezed thermal states as special cases. The contribution is a derivation of the general quantum filtering equation (or stochastic master equation as they are known in the quantum optics community) in the full MIMO setup for any zero-mean jointy Gaussian input field states, up to some mild rank assumptions on certain matrices relating to the measurement vector.Comment: 19 pages, no figures. Published in a special issue of the Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics dedicated to the memory of Slava Belavki

    Penerapan Sistem E-Voting Dalam Pemilihan Kepala Desa Lito Kecamatan Paguyaman Pantai Kabupaten Boalemo Tahun 2019

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    This research aims to discuss the application of the e-voting system in the election of the head of Lito village, Paguyaman Pantai District, Boalemo Regency in 2019. In this research the researcher used a qualitative method with a descriptive approach, where what was obtained was in accordance with the conditions that occurred in the field. or the data obtained is in accordance with what the community feels in selecting village heads using the e-voting system, data obtained through observation and direct interviews with informants for the sake of data accuracy in research. The object of this research is to measure the success of the e-voting system in the election of village heads, thus in the election of village heads through the e-voting system it has been running well, this can be seen from the high level of community participation in giving their voting rights. The factors that influence the implementation of the e-voting system are due to the lack of information from the implementing committee, so there are still many people who are not confident about the security of elections using the e-voting system. The conclusion in this research is that the implementation of the e-voting system in village head elections has gone well, while the influencing factor is a lack of information, so in the future socialization to the community must be intense so that the community believes in the level of security of the e-voting system

    Upaya meningkatkan hasil belajar matematika siswa kelas III melalui pembelajaran yang berorientasi pada kontruktivistik pada pokok bahasan nilai tempat di SDN 011 Malinau

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    Dari 7 siswa yang tingkat keberhasilannya < 75%, dipilih 5 siswa untuk menjadi subjek penelitian. Lima subjek penelitian tersebut, selanjutnya terhadap 5 subjek tersebut, selanjutnya diberi kode: Bt, Ri, Af, Hd, dan Sp. Terhadap 5 subjek dilakukan wawancara mengenai skor yang dicapai. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara, disepakati bahwa terhadap 5 subjek tersebut akan diberi tindakan dalam 3 siklus

    An approach to rational approximation of power spectral densities on the unit circle

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    In this article, we propose a new approach to determining the best rational approximation of a given irrational power spectral density defined on the unit circle such that the approximant has McMillan degree less than or equal to some positive integer nn. The main result is that we prove the existence of an optimal solution and that this solution can be found by standard methods of optimization

    Upaya meningkatkan pembelajaran operasi hitung bilangan cacah siswa kelas IV SD Negeri 011 Malinau dengan metode berdasarkan masalah (problem posing)

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    Secara umum siswa SD kelas 4 sudah cukup mampu dalam pembentukan soal sesuai dengan situasi yang disediakan tetapi belum maksimal. Melalui pembelajaran siklus I yaitu pemahaman operasi penjumlahan dan pengurangan bilangan cacah dengan pendekatan problem posing, diperoleh hasil kemampuan siswa beragam, dimana berdasarkan kemampuan menurut jenis soal terlihat bahwa semua siswa (100%) sudah mampu dalam pembentukan soal dan dapat diselesaikan. Sementara itu, kemampuan menurut masalah yang dapat diselesaikan ada 29,41% siswa hanya mampu membuat satu pertanyaan yang dapat diselesaikan, dan 67,65% siswa mampu membentuk soal lebih atau sama dengan dua pertanyaan yang dapat diselesaikan. Melalui pembelajaran siklus II yaitu pemahaman operasi perkalian dan pembagian bilangan cacah dengan pendekatan problem posing, kemampuan siswa dalam pembentukkan soal juga beragam. Kemampuan menurut jenis soal menunjukkan 2,94% siswa yang mampu membentuk soal sebanyak satu dan tidak dapat diselesaikan secara Matematika. Sedangkan 97,06% sudah mampu membentuk soal dan dapat diselesaikan secara matematik

    Implementasi Keteladanan Rasulullah Saw Berdasarkan Al-Qur’an Surat Al-Ahzab Ayat 21 Bagi Pendidik Era Milenial

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    Today's problems are the lack of study and enthusiasm of millennial teachers to implement the lead by example of the Prophet Muhammad as stated in Al-Qur'an Al-Ahzab verse 21. Even though the Prophet was a figure of uswatun hasanah as a human guided to be used as a reference for millennial educators in implementing the value of education in his life. The purpose of this study was to find out the value of education in Al-Qur'an Al-Ahzab verse 21 and to find out how to implement based on Al-Qur'an surah al-ahzab verse 21 for millennial educators. The method of data collection is a literature study of Al-Qur'an verses with a library research approach. The conclusions in this discussion are several ways that millennial teachers can implement the values through Surat al-Ahzab verse 21, among others: the implementation of the sidiq character of the messenger in the real context of being honest with oneself which begins with small things to the big, implementation of the nature of trust by practicing the values ​​of the teacher educating with all his heart, Implementation of the nature of tabligh by conveying the truth even though it is bitter, the implementation of fathanah by learning to hone his skills, develop his education so motivated students, improve quality comprehensive education and improving language skills so that students follow in the footsteps of their teachers